Founded in 2016, Hong Kong Bridge info-tech Limited is a well-known large-scale Internet infrastructure service provider in Hong Kong. With Hong Kong as the center, the company radiates around the world and provides customers with a wide range of network transmission services. Together with top partners at home and abroad, it creates a safe, professional, stable, efficient and fast service platform. In recent years, with years of Internet business experience, the company has rapidly become a well-known enterprise in the industry through resource integration, investment and construction, and strategic planning.
     Hong Kong Bridge Info Tech Limited has a team with good quality, rich experience and long-term professional communication technology. The average number of years of employees engaged in Internet communication service is more than 8 years! The solutions we offer you fully consider the security, expansibility and reliability of the network. Your support and trust have also made borrieger top in the same industry in recent years. Thank you, thank you for everything!
     At present, our customers are all over the world, but we still adhere to the service as the core: let every customer satisfaction, help customers achieve business expansion and growth.


POP node


Pop is distributed in Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, Europe, America and other major data centers, such as mega-i in Hong Kong, Ty2 in Japan, TCCT in Thailand, rcbc in the Philippines, La1 and sv1 in the United States, etc

Shanglian operator


Direct connection with major overseas operators BGP, China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, Hong Kong Broadband, Hong Kong HKIX, Pccwg, Singapore Telecom, Kinx, colt, NTT, etc

transmission capacity


Based on abundant international sea and land cable and service access point resources, international transmission lines can provide safe and stable integrated information and communication services for global enterprises